Dear, Daddy!
Dear, daddy! I still remember your voice, Your laugh when you cracked a joke, Sorry I rolled my eyes though, I remember how hard you tried to talk to me, All I answered was silence, My ego was all over the place, You broke my mom's heart, I couldn't really forgive you, Yes, I am that kind of girl, Who remember all things, everything, You did when I was 10, 20, But we were always connected, Through soul, telepathic, The way I couldn't really put my finger on, I always feel you even though we were always separated, I knew you suffered, I knew you tried to fix everything, I'm sorry it was too late, I'm sorry I couldn't make it to see you for the last time, How I wished I could hug and kiss you, Until this very day, You are always on my mind, I wish you peace and heaven, I know those two place are where you belong.