She could be one of them

It was a fun and wild ride,
he was everything I ever prayed for a guy. And I was everything to him.
I was the god's gift to him.
At least that's what he told me and convinced me to believe.

I was happy, but he was hot and cold.
I was blindfolded by love.
I thought pain is a part of love,
I tried to convince myself.
I was too forgiving.
I saw what he did, but I stayed in denial. "Ahh. He loves me. Nothing to worry about".

Days after days,
I became an option.
While my feelings develop deeper and deeper.
But I was just an option.
How can't I realize it.
He told them he can't commit.
He told them I could be one of his choices.
Wow. Am I dreaming.
I can't unhear that.
It became a huge scar on my heart right now.

I hope there's karma for you.
I hope you will fall in love with people who doesn't love you,
Who doesn't know how to please you,
Who feel disgusted by you,
Who hate your smell,
Who doesn't laugh at your stupid jokes,
Coward, why don't you say it out loud about this.
Why did you tell them instead of me.
You are coward.
I hate you with all my heart.


  1. ooh dear. sorry to hear that..
    trust me.. this thing will make u grow stronger. insyallah soon..
    time will heal <3


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